
When I Need To Buy Several Extensions And Domain Names

Is Buying More Than One Domain A Necessity?  

1. Errors while searching for a domain

“Humans make mistakes”. Everyone tends to make mistakes or errors while making use of their phones or laptops to surf the internet. Be it clicking the wrong link or misspelling a URL. But what does this have to do with owning more than one domain? It is a fair question to answer, consider a scenario where you accidentally search for “” instead of “”. You will automatically get redirected to google’s actual website, this is because they own those typos and direct the traffic using the domain pages to the actual website. 

2. Other vendor domains with similar names

If there are other websites using the same or similar domain name the traffic will easily get distributed to various sites. In order to avoid such situations and lose visitors, it is better to purchase multiple domains with similar domains so that they can easily get redirected to the actual website.

3. Keep the traffic coming

No matter what the field is, new competitors, rise up to challenge you every single day. Competitors can easily steal your traffic. Purchasing domains that sound similar to your website can prevent traffic distribution and avoid losing visitors to the site. Remember to protect the traffic that your site receives. 

Why Are Multiple Extensions Needed For A Single Domain?

Though it is not advised to purchase many extensions, if you do so you can be sure that the name of your domain will never ever be used by other vendors, which might create confusion in the future. Here are some of the benefits you will receive when you make use of many extensions;

1. Increase sales

Make a short and sweet URL that can be easily remembered by everyone. Make use of effective tactics that will drive the users to visit your websites. These extensions will work towards bringing huge traffic to your site. Once the extensions bring in a lot of traffic, for an e-commerce website, their sales will go through the roof and get a lot of promotions and purchase calls, this means that extensions increase the sales of the website.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A website that possesses many extensions will definitely receive higher Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking which will eventually lead to reaching great positions in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Moreover, the clicks on your website will increase, when you make use of several extensions. These various extensions can be viewed through separate links on the Search Engine Results Page. 

3. Establishing new campaigns

Promoting is easy if the name of the domain is easier. It is better if your newer extensions suit and blend into the already existing URL or domain to make it have better ratings. It is easy to expand or launch a new site that is blended with the previously existing website. These extensions do not need many promotions, as they can be easily navigated from the main website. 

Advantages Of Owning All The Extensions And Domain Names

Owning more than one domain has a huge advantage. It is good to purchase extensions that come along with your domain name. This will ensure that no one copies your domain name or divert the traffic intended for your website to other sites on the internet. But is it possible to purchase all those extensions? Definitely not, it is impossible to purchase all those extensions and domains. 

Why Is It Wrong To Purchase All The Extensions And Domains?

Here are some of the reasons why you should not purchase all the domains and extensions:

  • Unnecessary way to spend money

Domains and extensions are not quite cheap so if you want to purchase a lot of extensions or domain names you are sure to waste a lot of money. Especially when you own a startup or a small business, you will have a narrow budget and you hope to cut costs most of the time. In such a case it is best if you do not own a lot of extensions and domain names. Even if you still have enough money to buy all of them, it could still be of no use.

  • Caution regarding Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization can easily find out if a site has been plagiarized. So, in order to avoid such situations, you must make sure that there is no content being copied from the main domain to other extensions or subdomains. It is always necessary to be cautious about this issue.

  • Confused user

If you have more than one domain or extension be sure to set up a 301 redirect. If your site is not set up with a 301 redirect, the user will not know where to go. This will ultimately lead to a loss of traffic to the website. Remember to redirect your visitor traffic from the extra sites, directly to your root domain or primary site.

How Many Domains Will Be Enough?

It is mandatory to have more than one domain. But deciding which ones to purchase can be tricky. But the answer to this simply depends on how much you are willing to spend. First of all just purchase the root domain with the “.com” extension. You can also buy “.org”, or “.net” extensions as these are known to be very secure and trusted. After this get a domain that suits your location. Then move on to common misspellings or typos that might occur while typing the name of your website. 

If you are open to spending more, then go with “.sales” or “.biz” or both. By doing this you can avoid major traffic loss. 

End Note

To summarize, it can be stated that having or owning more than one domain name or extension is not a necessity but if you do so, there is a huge advantage that comes along with it. One of the other major benefits of this is being able to avoid traffic loss. Nevertheless, having a few extensions can come in handy. Moreover, it is advised to buy all the domains or extensions from the same registrar. This is because if you do purchase it from a single registrar it will be easy for you to maintain and manage them and you will find it easy to renew.